Wisdom James God Devotional

Asking for Wisdom

If any of you lacks wisdom [to guide him through a decision or circumstance], he is to ask of [our benevolent] God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5, AMP)

I don’t know about you but I know that I’m lacking wisdom.  I know that this verse was written for me.  So I’m going to spend a month asking God to increase my wisdom.  I want to spend the month of August in the Proverbs and find wisdom through God’s Word.  Will you journey with me through the Proverbs?  Will you come with me to find the wisdom in God’s Word?  Will you admit that your lacking wisdom?  Let’s go to God together and seek the wisdom that only He can give.

During the month of August, I will post a Proverb a day to read.  I promise that you will get more out of this series of devotionals if you are reading the Proverbs right along with me.  We will officially start reading the Proverbs on August 1st.  The month of August has 31 days in it, so it is a perfect month to do this series of 31 Proverbs.

Come with me and let’s explore who God is through the Proverbs.  Let’s find the wisdom that only He imparts!

During this week, we will gear up for the month of August.  I will give you the background on Proverbs, the wisdom that can be found, the reason to seek wisdom, and find out what it is that you would like to learn from the Proverbs.  I pray that you will enjoy this new adventure with me through God’s Word!

Dear Father God, I know I lack wisdom in pretty much every area of my life.  I pray that my wisdom will increase, as I dig into Your Word.  Please pull out any negative roots in my life and help me to replace them with the words of wisdom in the Bible.  I want to dwell on Your Truth and find rest for my soul in the Word that gives life!  May this be an adventure that You lead and may we glean from the wisdom You offer! 

Asking for Wisdom,

4 replies
  1. Cristina
    Cristina says:

    Good Morning – I opened my Bible knowing I needed to hear from the Lord. Prov 4:5 said Get wisdom; get insight;do not forget and do not turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her(wisdom), and she will keep you; love her, and she will guard you. I then searched my computer for James 1:5 and your post was 1st on the list … so I guess I’m saying I’m in.. Proverbs for July.

    • Sarah
      Sarah says:

      Hello Cristina,

      Wow, I love it when God works like this! It’s so amazing how He brings the Body of Christ together. What a blessing to know that you found this site through a search on the web. I pray that God will use this wisdom series to encourage you and guide you in all His ways. I look forward to hearing what God teaches you through this. Feel free to drop me a line any time! I love to hear about the work of God in my brothers and sisters in Christ! Have a blessed week!

      In God’s Grip of Grace,

  2. Susan Michaels
    Susan Michaels says:

    This is exciting, Sarah…I was meditating on the subject of godly wisdom, and look forward to your articles!

    • Sarah
      Sarah says:

      Hi Susan,

      It’s always a blessing to hear from you. I look forward to hearing how God uses this series in your life! Have a blessed week!

      Many Blessings,


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