adventures in motherhood

Motherhood Can Get Gooey at Times

Anyone, then who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins. (James 4:17)

So it finally happened. That moment with play-doh that you dread and hope never comes! My three and a half year old decided to stick some red play-doh up his nose. He was not happy with the outcome. Sometimes natural consequences really are the best teacher. For the next hour he proceeded to sneeze and the red gooey stuff came down his chin. He did not like that part at all!

It got me to thinking how many times have I ingested something that wasn’t good for me and spent the next hours, days, weeks, and sometimes months spewing it out. Like the tv show I knew better than to watch that seeped into my attitude and brought out some ugly, nasty goo… Or the movies I’ve watched thinking they were harmless, but they showed up in my thought process for weeks to come… Or the friend who I knew better than to hang out with because their negativity and critical spirit affect me, so badly that it comes out in my marriage and with my children.

Yes, I know better. But still I take in foreign objects that do not bring me closer to the Father. Oh, how much I have to learn from my son and his episode with play-doh.

What gooey mess do you need to hand over to the Father today? There’s no mess that God is not strong enough to clean up. Through Jesus Christ we are made clean again. Thankful that God sent Jesus to cover the goo that comes out in my life!

Lord, please convict me quickly when I stray off the path even a little. Please direct me to get back on course and remember what I’m running for. May I only take in what is pleasing to You so that what comes out of me is honoring to You!

Overcoming the Goo in Life,

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