God Truth Bible Jesus

Enter with Thanksgiving

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. (Psalm 145:3)

Thanksgiving is not something that should happen in just November for Christians.  When we read a verse like the one above we should realize that thanksgiving should take place in our hearts daily.  God’s greatness is too much for us to fathom.  He has done so many wonderful things in our lives and our hearts should wake up each morning ready to offer thanksgiving to Him.  In fact, the next verse shares exactly that with us.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” (Psalm 100:4)

This verse puts it so clearly.  Enter his gates with thanksgiving.  God calls us to be people who exclaim the glory of His name in everything that we do and say.  Do people know you are thankful for your job?  There are plenty of people out of work right now, so complaining won’t get you very far.  Do people know that you are thankful for your spouse?  Your commitment in marriage is a witness to those around you.  Do people know that you are thankful for your salvation?  You can’t convince anyone that Jesus is good for them, if you don’t show them the joy you have inside of you.  This goes for everything!  Why am I convinced of this?  Here is one verse that shows me all that I have in God!

“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.” (Psalm 63:3)

Because.  How many times did you hear this as a kid?  I know I heard it a few times.  There are those times when you have questions that no one can seem to answer and you hear the simple reply “Because”.  Well, that’s how this verse starts out.  I love it!  We tend to ask a lot of questions in life that really don’t have answers.  We want to know why someone is sick, why someone lost their job, why something bad happened, and many times the questions have no answers.  This verse supplies an answer that is more than good enough for me for any question I may have in life.

God’s love was extended to me through Him sending His Son to die for me.  There is no one and nothing that can ever show me greater love than that.  His love has always been better than life itself.  It is in thinking about that great love that I can in return glorify Him regardless of how I feel inside or regardless of the circumstances I may be in.  His love will always be more than enough for me.  That is the number one thing I am thankful for every day that I am alive.  Do you need more convincing?

“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” (Psalm 63:7)

Yes, another answer to all of the questions we have.  God is our help!  Do you need the reminder?  Here it is!  It is because God is always there to help us through any situation that we can truly sing of all His praises.  And what a beautiful thought that we are singing in the shadow of His wings.  He is never far away.  He is always protecting us, always loving us, and always caring for our needs.  Is that enough for you to wake up every morning and be thankful?  Like I said Thanksgiving comes every day!  Here is one more verse for you!

“…I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)

May you enter today and every day with a heart of Thanksgiving!

I pray that your list of praises will be longer than your list of complaints.

I pray that God’s love will be revealed to you on a daily basis.

May you find shelter in the Almighty and rest in Him.

May you find many reasons to be thankful today and every day!

1 reply
  1. mom
    mom says:

    I am thankful for so many things I know my life has been Blessed!! Beautiful devotion thanks for sharing and reminding us to concentrate on the good!!


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