Take the Call
The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’ (1 Samuel 3:10)
I was spending some time with the Lord today in one of my favorite books of the Bible. It’s amazing that no matter how many times I read the Bible, something new always appears. God continues to make His Word so exciting and so relevant for me today. I pray this passage and all of chapter 3 will be used in your life.
Have you ever been waiting for God to speak to you and heard nothing? Have you waited time and again, yet there is no answer? Samuel was in a place where he was still young. He had been dedicated to the Lord by his mother Hannah and Eli was now taking care of him.
“…Word from the Lord was rare in those days; revelatory visions were infrequent.” (1 Samuel 3:1)
Late one night while Eli and Samuel were getting sleep. The Lord called out to Samuel by name. Samuel went to Eli thinking that Eli was calling for him. Eli responded by telling him he did not call him and he should go back to sleep. This happened three times before Eli realized it was God who was calling out Samuel’s name. On the third time, Eli told Samuel to go back to his bed and lie down. But this time the directions were slightly different.
Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord; the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him. Then the Lord called Samuel a third time. So he got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me!” Eli then realized that it was the Lord who was calling the boy. So Eli said to Samuel, “Go back and lie down. When he calls you, say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” So Samuel went back and lay down in his place. (1 Samuel 3:7-9)
Do you see what is happening here? First of all, the Word from the Lord in those days was rare (1 Samuel 3:1), so Eli was in unfamiliar territory. He was unaware that God was speaking to Samuel. So when Samuel came to him, he simply sent him away to go to sleep. Then on the third time, he caught on to the fact that it was God who was waking Samuel up. Eli then instructed Samuel, the young boy, to go lay down and listen.
Often we ask God to speak, we ask for direction in our lives, and we even stop to see if He will show us where to go. Yet, we do not take the time to listen. We use the excuse that we are too busy or it’s so hard to hear God. Maybe it’s time to go lay down, find a quiet place, and just listen. Hear what God wants to say about your life and how He wants to guide you in the next steps you will take. Doesn’t He know your life a little bit better than you any ways.
Samuel goes on to listen to God and hear some very important words.
Then the Lord came and stood nearby, calling as he had previously done, “Samuel! Samuel!” Samuel replied, “Speak, for your servant is listening!” The Lord said to Samuel, “Look! I am about to do something in Israel; when anyone hears about it, both of his ears will tingle.” (1 Samuel 3:10-11)
God came near to speak words for only Samuel to hear, but Samuel needed to pay attention. Samuel humbled himself saying, “Speak, for your servant is listening!” Are you listening because you feel God owes you an answer? If you are that might be the wrong attitude! We need to humble ourselves before the Lord, listening to Him with a spirit of humility ready to hear His words of wisdom for our lives. The words God spoke into Samuel’s life were words that were for a time to come, it wasn’t for the immediate future. We may not get the answers we seek when listening to God, but we will get the answers we need. God knows what Truth He needs to reveal to us to keep us ever going in His abundant wisdom, in His timing.
One last thing to remember is that God will never forget to finish what He begins. Every word He spoke to Samuel, including the words that I have not mentioned here in this text. I encourage you to read 1 Samuel chapter 3 for yourself and find out what God was saying to Samuel. For now, I will share with you how the chapter ends.
“Samuel continued to grow, and the Lord was with him. None of his prophecies fell to the ground unfulfilled.” (1 Samuel 3:19)
Samuel continued to grow in the Lord and God kept every promise. He fulfilled every word He spoke. The same God who spoke to Samuel many years ago can speak to you today. He can and He will. He just needs you to take the time to stop and listen. He will be faithful to fulfill every word He has spoken in your life and does want to keep the line of communication open with you. So whatever you do, keep the phone line open for God…He’s keeping it open for you! He’s always available and ready to take your call. Be ready to listen!
Lord, I pray that Your guidance in my life will continue as I seek to humble myself in Your sight. May You teach me Your ways daily and help me to hear Your voice more clearly. May I listen more intently to all that You desire for my life and take only the actions You would have me take!
Intently Listening to Your Voice,
This blog’s great!! Thanks :).