Sheer Brilliance
…His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth. His splendor was like the sunrise: rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden. (Habakkuk 3:3-4)
I have lived through almost 11,000 sunrises and sunsets. That’s pretty incredible! I don’t know how old you are or where God has you right now, but take a moment to think about how many sunrises and sunsets you’ve lived through. I’m not talking about the ones you’ve been able to see, I’m talking about the ones you’ve lived through. I have been alive for almost 11,000.
Last week, I started a “Celebration of Life” series. I will be turning 30 in June and have been looking back through my time on this earth. God has been so good to me! I’m not saying that life has always been good, but I am saying God has been good! Life has been hard at times! In fact, it’s been down right difficult, but God has been extremely faithful! That is the one thing that I want to share with you throughout my series on the “Celebration of Life.” God will always be faithful! He will not fail us!
God has not failed in bringing the sun up every morning and making the sun set every evening. He has been there to make sure it’s where it needs be every day and night. Many times in the last 3o years, I have been able to watch sunsets and sunrises. They both are so beautiful. The colors are amazing. They declare the majesty of God. In those colors, I can see the verse above, “…His splendor was like the sunrise: rays flashed from his hand…” God’s glory, His splendor is too amazing for words. I believe this is why the author chose to describe it with the sunrise. What better way to describe God, then by His own creation? Remember,
God said “let there be light” and there was light (Genesis 1:3).
The sunrise displays the glory of God. Think about the colors in a sunrise. There are brilliant purples, fiery oranges, bright yellows, and vibrant reds. The colors all come together in a beautiful way and every color speaks of God’s brilliance. God’s fingerprints are left again on His design. He is the One who put the sun in place. He makes it rise on the day and sets it at night. He never grows tired of this. When you look back over your life and think about the moments that have been difficult; know that God was there. He was in the colors of your sunrise, the colors of your day, and the colors of your sunset. He never left your side. I know that life isn’t always easy. Trust me, I do know by experience. My family, my health, my finances, my walk with God, my friendships, you name it and it’s been tested. I’m just here to tell you that God has been with me through it all.
He was the One who promised me a new tomorrow, a new morning, and a light at the end of the tunnel. Right now, life is great! Honestly, you probably will never hear me complain. I might let you know that I’m dealing with a difficult situation, but I’ll always have my positive spin. Because through everything God is beyond good; He is FAITHFUL!
Dear Father God, I sit here with tears rolling down my cheeks because I am so grateful at how much LIFE You have given me! A person can live 90 years and not have what I feel I have with You, so my prayer tonight is for those who don’t know You like I do. Please break the barriers, may the walls come tumbling to the ground, may the strongholds that Satan has over lives be broken, and may people come to know You even through this devotional. May Your love and faithfulness be something that the ones I’m praying for come to know! In Your Son Jesus Name
Celebrating Your Brilliance in Every Sunrise and Sunset,
i have always loved witnessing the sunrise and the sunset. whenever i have the chance, i always go to a quiet place as i see the sun sets/rises. its just so lovely and contemplating.
I absolutely agree. I enjoy every sunrise and sunset i get to see. Nothing can compare!