The Priceless Journey

Lord, Give Me a Vision

Bali Indonesia Salvation Eternity

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverbs 29:18, KJV)

Lord, give me a vision, a vision I need,

A vision of souls lost without Thee.

Help me to carry your message far and near,

To multitudes in darkness who have yet to hear.


Lord, help me be willing to cross land or sea,

To hasten quickly, to set the captive free.

Of thy love and grace may they come to know,

That Jesus only, eternal life He bestows.


Lord, give me a vision, a vision of Thee.

Let Thy word quicken and radiate me.

To others lost in the darkness of night,

Help me to reach them  and show them the Light.


Lord, a vision, a vision I need,

A vision to share with others like me.

May I with compassion be prayerful to go,

Till others only, Jesus they know.

Written by John Malanowski, my father-in-law

John & his wife Marjorie Malanowski are missionaries to Indonesia!  36 years ago, this month… they arrived in Indonesia!  Praise God for their willingness to go and be used by God!