The Priceless Journey

Bursting through the Gates

Thanksgiving Thankful God Devotional

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. (Psalm 100:4)

This verse puts it so clearly.  Enter his gates with thanksgiving.  God calls us to be people who proclaim the glory of His name in everything that we do and say.  Do people know you are thankful for your job?  There are plenty of people out of work right now, so complaining won’t get you very far.  Do people know that you are thankful for your spouse?  Your commitment in marriage is a witness to those around you.  Do people know that you are thankful for your salvation?  You can’t convince anyone that Jesus is good for them, if you don’t show them the joy you have inside of you.

Will you enter God’s gates with thanksgiving in your heart?  How will someone see Jesus through your thankfulness this week?  What will be different about you?

Read more of Psalm 100

Dear Father God, I pray that daily I will burst through Your gates with thanksgiving in my heart!  Help me to see all that has been given to me and not take even a moment of it for granted.  May someone come to know the goodness of You through my actions and words today! 

Bursting through with Thanksgiving,