Time to Refuel
I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing. (John 15:5, AMP)
This last week I realized that I was running on empty. I had somehow managed to get to a place where there was nothing left but fumes. It’s my fault. I didn’t stop as often as I should have to spend time with the Lord during my trip home to be with my Dad. Yes, I had moments here and there with the Lord. But nothing like what I have when I’m home. I carve out the time. I make the effort. I don’t let a day go by without some really good time in the Word. But somehow when life gets crazy, when the storms hit, and chaos breaks forth. My time seems to escape me. I go through a day just happy to survive. Happy to have one more day!
The funny thing is that I realize that little bit of time carved out in the Word actually saves me time in other areas. Time in the Word can keep me from worrying and worry just steals my time. Time in the Word keeps me from being anxious, anxiety just tries to kill me slowly. Time in the Word prevents me from making bad choices because my heart is more set on the things of God. Time in the Word restores me, renews me, and refreshes me for every new day I face. I need my time in the Word! I can’t live without it and neither can you.
We can’t treat God like He is a gas station. Just go there every time we need to refuel! That doesn’t work! A car can’t run on empty and neither can we. We need to remember that the power of God can only flow through us when we stay connected to Him and His Word.
I believe that there is no reason I can’t start each day with a full tank and end with a full tank. I need to go to the Father often throughout the day and be refreshed by His life giving Word. Throughout the day, I give and I give. So I need to constantly go back to Jesus and draw from Him. I need Him to be the source of my strength. I need God to do the work through me. I need the Holy Spirit to guide me. I need more of God and less of me.
“He must become greater, I must become less.” (John 3:30)
Lord, please help me to remember that I don’t need to run on empty. I don’t even need to run on half a tank. The source of all my strength is You. You have what it takes to keep me running on a full tank. I just need to daily and moment by moment choose to stay connected to You. Lord, may Your life giving power flow through me. May I not operate on my own strength but may I press in to You. May You be the source of my hope, the object of my affection, the focal point of my vision, and the One my heart desires most. Lord, may I serve You with my day and stay connected to You. I want to remain in You, so that Your life can flow through me.
Time to Refuel,
Thanks for sharing your heart here! This has been my struggle too in this last week or so, and I realize that I cannot continue without spending adequate time at His feet. After I do, I feel so refreshed and I can think clearly and make wise decisions. Without my quiet time, I make decisions that end up wasting time in the long run.
Hi Rachel, It blesses me greatly to hear that God has used this devotional to bless and encourage you. Praise God! It really is amazing how much time is wasted when we are not in the Word. I learn that lesson daily. The Word truly transforms me and conforms me to the likeness of Christ so that I can more efficiently and effectively walk out my days for Him. Have a blessed day! ~Sarah