Mercy Grace Jesus God Bible

The Power of Life and Death

A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. (Proverbs 17:27)

Are you using your words sparingly?  A man and woman who seeks God first will choose to use words that heal, not harm.  Words that produce character in someone else, not destroy, or demean it.  Our words should build people up, not tear them down.  What’s your tone like in a conversation?  Have you maintained eye contact to let someone know you really care about what they are saying?

“Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.” (Proverbs 17:28)

I’ve been the fool many times before, but I would rather be the one who is discerning.  The one who can hold my tongue.  Lord, please teach me how to hold my tongue and to be silent when words are not produced in love.  Will you be wise the next time something causes you to be upset?

“He who answers before listening–this is his folly and his shame.” (Proverbs 18:13)

Will you listen before you speak?  Slow down… what you have to say will be heard?  Sometimes we get so caught up in what we have to say that we run over the other person in the conversation making them feel like what they have to say doesn’t matter.  This causes bitterness, resentment, and more walls.  I heard this put well just yesterday that the root of this is pride.  The message heard is this:  “What I have to say is more important then what you have to say?, Are you done yet?, Get out of my way I’m coming through.”

Imagine if God responded to us like this!  We wouldn’t have a relationship with God for long, if in our prayer time He kept interrupting us because He thought what He had to say was more important.  Even though He clearly has the right because what He has to say is more important!  James 1:19 says, “…Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”  Let’s learn to practice this, I know it will serve us well.

“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (Proverbs 12:18)

What kind of power is your tongue holding these days?  Do you hold the power of life in your tongue or the power of death?  Look at the relationships around you, they are a sure sign of what kind of power you are sending out with your tongue.  Are your relationships thriving?  Do people come to you seeking God’s wisdom and counsel?  Or do people avoid you?  Do people desire to be in your presence because they know you are full of joy and peace?  Or do they walk on egg shells around you because your full of strife and bitterness?  Your tongue can be a lethal weapon or it can be life giving, life nurturing, and a life producing wonder of God!  It’s all a choice you have the freedom to make daily!  Will you read God’s Word and apply it to your life, so His words come out of you?  Will you be a life producer?

“When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7)

Dear Father God, I pray that my ways will be more pleasing to You.  Please take control of my mouth and help me to have a tighter reign on my tongue.  May I say things that are pleasing to you.  May my words heal and not harm.  May I choose my words more carefully.  May I be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.  Please guide me in your path of righteousness.  I desire more of you and less of me.

Living for You to the best of my ability,

5 replies
  1. Jolene
    Jolene says:

    First thank you for this section of study on our tongue, my tongue. I have been blessed with a son I love deeply, who the Lord is growing me through. Tonight in Late prayer, I was so broken over my sin today in my words with him. I didnt build up, I wasnt slow to anger- I messed up. Big time. Grieved our God and tore my son’s sweet spirit up. Pierced my sweet boy. I went in his room on my knees in prayer and just wept. What an abomi ation I was. I hate how I behaved. I hate that sin. Tomorrow,with Christ’s strength and the scriptural encouragement yoy have put before me I choose to honor God in my words. To be fou d faithful. Lord Jesus help me be more of you and less of me. Thank you. Thank you Sarah. Still praying for you and this season of life for you. ( I met you at well wife retreat)


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