Tag Archive for: Omniscient

God is Omniscient

Psalm 139:1-6 declares the omniscience of God.  Do you know that God is deeply familiar with all your ways?  He knows you!  He loves you!  He has set you aside for a purpose!  Let’s walk through Psalm 139:1-6 and see just how familiar God is with all our ways!

O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.  (Psalm 139:1)

1.  God Knows You

Nothing in your life is hidden from God.  In fact, the word “searched” in verse 1 means, “to explore, to spy out, and to dig deeply into.”  God sees what no one else can see!  He sees the very depths of your being.  I can’t imagine what He sees at the depth of my being.  It leaves me in awe that He sees all the yuckiness of my heart and still continues to love me. Read more

In Awe of God

Now that we have a better understanding of who God is in our lives, I thought it would be nice to do some devotionals on how God sees us.  Let’s take time to explore Psalm 139 this week and find out what God has for us.  Please try to read Psalm 139 every day and find out what God wants to say to you in a personal way.  I pray that you will come to understand the richness of God’s grace and His amazing love for you this week.

If you missed the devotionals from last week on the Names of God, you can find them here:

Many Hats

Jehovah Jireh, My Provider

Jehovah Rapha, My Healer

Jehovah Shalom, My Peace

Let’s take a look at why Psalm 139 was written and tomorrow we will begin our study verse by verse through it!

1.  What is the theme?

The Psalmist is meditating on four of the most incredible attributes of God.  He is taking time to celebrate who God is.  God is all-knowing (Omniscient), God is all-present (Omnipresent), God is all-powerful (Omnipotent), and God is all-holy.

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