Tag Archive for: Impossible

The Greatest Expectation

My heart is full with hope and expectation!  Filled to overflowing.

I caught a glimpse of heaven
and I don’t want to let it go.

I know it might seem trivial or even completely off-base to some, but The P.T. Barnum-inspired movie musical The Greatest Showman is full of powerful insights if you’re looking for them.

Barnum’s ticket to success was using his human ability to bring his imaginative impossibilities to life. For him, this would provide his audiences some joy and an escape from the drudgery of everyday life (and provide an income for his family). But it ended up doing more than that. The “circus” he created overwhelmed and flooded the senses of his audiences beyond their wildest expectations in light of seeing the unimaginable come to life. That feeling of amazement in seeing and feeling the spectacular makes your heart pound. Being surrounded by the impossible – It leaves you speechless. In awe and wonder. That, my friend, is what we are headed for!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”

1 Cor. 2:9 NLT

And the message gets even better in the film. All those who had been hidden away in shame and darkness were able to come out and find their value and purpose. That was for the movie characters. But what about us? Those of us who are broken. Who have lived with secrets and shame. The flawed and imperfect. We have value in Christ. We find our purpose in Him. And there’s more – as He brings us out into the light of truth and grace, we find healing and wholeness. Everything we have lacked, is freely given to us.

My friends, when we accept the concept of seeing the impossible become reality and then find ourselves included in the impossible, we get a glimpse of what heaven is going to be like. All of our wildest dreams are going to come true in Him – the fullness of everything we’ve been waiting for and ever dared to hope for, the King of Glory! Every tribe, every nation will be represented before His throne. Everyone will bring their best, their differences, their scars, their everything and find it completely perfected in Him (Rev. 7:9). Can you even begin to imagine how mind-blowing this is going to be?

The reflection of God,
expressed through humanity,
completely perfected in Him.


This is a day I can hardly wait for!

But here’s why it matters right now. In the “Lord’s Prayer,” Jesus teaches us that we are to be praying for God’s will to be done here on earth just like it is in heaven. Do you see, Dear One? We can dare to believe the impossible is coming because it really truly is. What are you looking for? What impossible things are you dreaming of, that God can start living out through you just because you’re simply willing to believe. Wait in eager expectation for Him and watch how He shows you impossible things. Things He has desire to accomplish through you. The things He planned from before the creation of the world (Eph. 2:10). They are already starting to come true because you believe He is who He says He is and can do what He promises He will do.

“God will make this happen, for He who calls you is faithful.”
1 Thes. 5:24 NLT

When you see it – let your heart swell. Recognize it! Revel in it with the greatest expectation of what He has yet to do.

So what impossible thing has He called you to today? Withholding judgement so that you can extend some grace in that family situation? Self-control with that little one who already needs one more reminder? Maybe it’s a good attitude when the project is running behind deadline. Or perhaps it a mountain you’ve been buried under for years and you’re just trying to hang on to the will to keep going. You aren’t alone. Keep your eyes on your Father and as you step out in faith, look for the impossible to become your reality. I dare you to join me in dreaming with our eyes wide open!



Nothing is Impossible

For NOTHING is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)

I love this verse!  I truly believe that nothing is impossible with God.  Do you believe it?  Do you believe that He will supply all your needs?  Do you believe He can carry your burdens?  Do you trust that He has all the answers?  Have you watched God face the impossible in your life and come out victorious?

Please take time to let this verse truly sink into your heart.  Study these six amazing words and allow God to help you see just how real they are for your life.  Yes, we face impossible circumstances.  We have many areas in life that are seemingly impossible to us.  But when we look through the eyes of our Creator, we see that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!  Any amount of debt can be paid off with God.  Any sickness can be healed with God!  Every relationship can be mended through God!  God is limitless in His power and truly desires to transform our lives with that power.

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Sweet Surrender

For nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)

Yesterday, I challenged you to read Luke 1 & 2.  For those of you who were able to dive in and read this portion of Scripture… you might have come across these six dynamic words!  This is a very short verse, but wow they pack a powerful message.  There is nothing that my God and your God cannot do!  Do you believe it?  Well, let’s take a look into the lives of two people who found out exactly what God can do.

The first one we come across is Zechariah.  I know many of you know the story and have heard it just recently, but let’s dive in just a little bit deeper.  Zechariah was a man who observed the Lord’s commandments and he was upright in the sight of the Lord.  He and his wife Elizabeth had no children.  They were both well advanced in years and it was starting to look grim in the child bearing area.  But one day Zechariah was the priest chosen to burn incense in the temple.  He went in to do his duty and was given a surprise.  An angel of the Lord came to visit him.  His initial reaction was fear, but the angel calmed his fears.  Here is the angel’s response:

“Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard.  Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John…” (Luke 1:13)

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