Tag Archive for: Identity in Christ

When Jesus Says, “That’s My Girl”

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9


Have you been there? Your child, the beautiful, seemingly innocent baby grew up a couple years and at this moment in time isn’t at all who you had thought they’d grow up to be. Your little blessing is standing before you acting in a way that you don’t allow, and trying to control. You’re doing your best, trying not to let their actions bring on the wrong response or reaction. You’re totally that mom, that before were a mom, you said you’d never be… yeah…it’s happening… it’s going down.

There you stand, sit, kneel, trying to restrain, calm down, and diffuse the situation while you’re asking God for wisdom. Trying to remain composed and exhibit the self-controlled disposition you may feel like you’re constantly rehearsing with those sweet little face that you’re trying really hard to show love to. At the same time, you’re trying to not allow the embarrassment of what they are saying or doing to impact how you treat them or impact how you feel.

Whew, it finally ends, a few minutes, which felt like much more. There you are. With a decision. Sometimes there’s a little joy because you handled in a way that you believe makes Jesus smile, and say something like “That’s my girl!” But more often then I wish, the reality of how I just handle those moments immediately breeds shame… Utter disappointment and then it happens. The bitter self-defeating, self-condemning begins… “If I was a good mom… , Jesus, surely can’t use a mom like me.  I’m totally messing up my child. God’s grace surely can’t cover all of this.” But in that moment I often forget that Jesus is there and in love still saying, “That’s my girl.”

You see, as I am trying right alongside you, is that’s exactly what’s so beautiful about God’s grace. In the moments of our weakness when we fall, when the mommy monster lashes out, when we are being ugly in our attitude or spirit, His beauty, His goodness, His grace- the free unmerited, undeserved favor of God- is right there. After all, isn’t that the beauty of the gospel? Jesus came to save sinners, to do what we couldn’t, to be the good we desire to be but can’t without Him.

So whether you are reading this and you killed it today or whether you read this sad about how the day unfolded. Can I encourage you? Our focus verse says it’s by grace that we have been saved through faith. That same grace that saves us and gives us eternal life can also, restore, heal, buy back the bad and turn it to work together for our good. That promise is our’s—it’s your’s – it’s mine!! It’s a gift from God. Not of our own doing, because we are incapable without Jesus, but because of what He did for you and for me. His sacrifice makes us holy on good days and bad before our righteous heavenly Father. It makes the statement that Jesus is claiming over you and me—His beloved—no matter what the day is looking like so sweet, “See that girl there, yep, her, isn’t she radiant? That beauty right there? That’s MY girl.”


Be encouraged today beautiful Momma, you are unimaginably loved on your amazing days and on the days when you would do anything for a do-over. In those moments –good or bad– you can be confident in God’s love for you!!  His grace is a beautiful gift that can turn the worse days into a beautiful reminder of the gift we have in Jesus!! His grace is waiting… do you need some today it’s yours for the asking??!!

Lord, help us to walk there this week!

Because of Christ’s Love,
