This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
This last week I was watching a show with Michael J. Fox in it called, “The Incurable Optimist” and a lot of it I wanted to apply to my Christian walk. The world has some great ideas about hope, joy, and happiness. I pray that we do not let them outshine us. May we see what David wrote in the Psalms and apply it to our daily way of thinking. May we wake up each morning and rejoice in the day God has given us. Our days on this earth are numbered, the very breaths that we take have been given to us by God, and the opportunities we have to share the hope God has given us through Jesus Christ are slipping away. We need to cease every opportunity we are given to share the hope that is within us and live with an incurable joy. May the world look at us and see that we have a joy that can’t be shaken.
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