Living Half Full
My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism. (James 2:1)
Please take time to read James 2 this week and find out what God has for you there.
I’ve read and studied James 2 for a couple of weeks now. I’ve asked the Lord to show me where I play favorites. I’ve asked for Him to help me back up my faith with action. I’m learning more about myself through this chapter and God’s call for me to live a righteous life.
At first glance, James 2:1-13… didn’t resonate with my heart. But the more I studied it, the more I understood it. The Lord has shown me where I play favorites. Honestly, I thought I was fairly good in this area, but a closer look at it made me see I have some work to do in this area as well. I tend to treat most people equally, but there is one area where I see that I treat people differently. Or at least this is the one area that God is working on in me, this week.