Tag Archive for: Control

Control Issues

We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God’s purpose prevails. (Proverbs 19:21, MSG)

Read Proverbs 11 today!

I want to admit something to you!  I have control issues!  I want to control a good amount of my life, but the more I learn about God the less I feel that’s possible.  Yes, I can control my health, I can control the food I eat on a daily basis, I can control how much I exercise, and a few other things.  But if I want to be a wise person… I must surrender control of my life to God.  I must stop trying to plan my course.  I need to hand my steps over to the Lord.  Only God knows where my life is going or how to make the most of it! Read more

I Need a Muzzle

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs,that it benefit this who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)

What would happen if I lived by this one verse alone?  I wonder how much my surroundings would change.  How would it change the mood of my conversations?  How would it enhance my relationships?

I have looked this up in the Greek to understand the context a little better and I’ve found that this is something that is to be actively present in my life from now until eternity.  So much so that I am commanded to do so.  It is absolutely imperative that I keep tight reign over my tongue.

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The Steering Wheel

…for the joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

I would like to start using Mondays as a day to share what God is doing in my life.  It was a question I often asked back in college and have now asked many times since to friends I meet along the way.  I would like to ask this question of you.  Let’s take Mondays to reflect back on the week before and see what God is doing in our lives.  Let’s take time to be grateful for His work and stand in awe of His glory.  Please find time to glance and see every minor and major detail God has taken care of in your life.  Take time to rejoice in His faithfulness.

There are many things that I continue to learn and I will share them every week.  One popular theme in my life now is God’s strength.  I daily have to surrender myself to the strength He provides.  The part that becomes a battle for me is that I want to be the strong one.  I want to take care of everything on my own.  I want to fix the problems that arise.  I want to find the solutions.  I want to get ahead of God.  But no such luck!  I’m not strong enough!  I’ll never be strong enough.  The Bible teaches me that over and over.

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The Power of Life and Death

A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. (Proverbs 17:27)

Are you using your words sparingly?  A man and woman who seeks God first will choose to use words that heal, not harm.  Words that produce character in someone else, not destroy, or demean it.  Our words should build people up, not tear them down.  What’s your tone like in a conversation?  Have you maintained eye contact to let someone know you really care about what they are saying?

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