Solid Living
All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
This passage of Scripture reminds me that the Word of God is the greatest tool we have to live out our lives here on earth. God wants to impact every aspect of our lives and influence the way we live through His Word. The only way we can accomplish the purpose He has for us is by following His plans. We are guided through His Word. Let’s find out more through this passage of Scripture.
1. The Tool ~ “All Scripture”
We have many tools in life for all kinds of things. We have tools for fixing electronics, tools for fixing cars, tools for plumbing, and many more tools that I will not mention. The greatest tool that we have been given in life is the Word of God. It is the source that shows us how to walk out our faith. It is the only book that gives us guidance, answers, and meaning to the life that we live. How often are you reading and relying on the Word of God?
2. The Power ~ “God breathed”
The power in Scripture comes from God. He has breathed life into the Word. We cannot understand the Word without being connected to God. We need to be in a constant relationship with God to understand His Word. The Holy Spirit reveals to us the meaning hidden in God’s Word, so we need to keep our hearts clean of sin. Is there any sin hiding in your heart? Take the time to confess your sin to God. Do you have any hidden resentment towards anyone? God wants to illuminate His Word to you, so please don’t miss out by hiding sin in your heart.
3. The Purpose ~ “for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training”
a. “for teaching”
Nature reveals the work of God, but it doesn’t always teach us what we need to do. Sometimes we learn from our pastors, peer Christians, and books. But nothing can teach us like God’s Word. God’s Word teaches us about His faithfulness, His purpose, His plan, His love, His peace, and things this world knows nothing about.
b. “for rebuking”
The Word of God convicts us when we are in the wrong. It’s important to be continuously in the Word, so we can be convicted by things that don’t line up with who God is. We need to be aware of all that God desires us to be and that comes by learning more about Him in His Word.
c. “for correcting”
God’s Word convicts and then it corrects us. We might get off on the wrong exit at times, but God’s Word is there to get us going in the right direction again.
d. “for training”
The Word of God trains us for life. It provides real experiences and real events to encourage us through our difficult times. It has poetic words, stories of triumph, stories of love, sad stories, songs, battles, and so much more. We can be trained for anything, if we dig deep in God’s Word.
4. Solid Living ~ “in righteousness”
Everything above is done so we might live our lives in a righteous way. We are called to be righteous for God. Righteous living is the foundation and the spring board for ministry. We cannot minister effectively without living righteously for God. Are you living in a solid way for God?
“…so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” ~2 Timothy 3:17
Dear Father God, Thank You so much for guiding me with Your Word. The power that is in Your Word is amazing to me and I’m grateful for the new things I learn every day. Please continue to teach me how to live a solid and righteous life in You.
Solid Living Found in God,
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