One Child Loved
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ (Matthew 19:14)
Today I want to continue with the time line I began last week on my life. It’s all in the “Celebration of Life” series. The time line begins on…
June 24th, 1978 ~ The day my parents were married. I celebrate the day my parents united their lives because it brought the gift of five wonderful lives into this world. The lives of myself and my siblings.
June 14th, 1979 ~ The day I was born. My parents chose life. I celebrate all the wonderful memories they have given me and continue to give me.
July 17th, 1980 ~ The day my brother Caleb was born. I celebrate the gift of having a great brother and the wonderful names our parents gave us.
Today, I move forward into the next big event that took place in my life. The day my sister Rachel was born. Rachel Marie Lindberg was born on September 5th, 1981. Yes, my parents had their hands full with a two year old, a one year old, and a little newborn. I can’t begin to imagine having three kids under the age of two at my age, yet my mom did it at the age of 24. That seems pretty incredible to me! Not only that, she did it with grace and joy! I have never heard a single complaint from my mom regarding the days of raising her children. She talks with a spark in her eye and a spring in her step when it comes to her children.
My sister Rachel is one of the most amazing people I have had the privilege of having in my life. She is much more than my sister, she is one of my dearest friends. She is the mother to my adorable nephew Andrew and my beautiful niece Hannah. Rachel is also a daycare provider during the week. She has always had a love for children. If you ask me, this love for children comes from the love that was poured out on us when we were children. My mom and dad loved us dearly as we were growing up. We never lacked in that department!
My mom always had snacks when we came home from school, she had treasure hunts created for us, she played games with us, she talked about our day with us, she did a number of other things with us and always let us know that we were loved. My dad read stories from the Bible with us, he played the guitar for us, he took us fishing, he built outdoor sport games for us, he played games with us, and did a number of other things with us too. I have worked with a number of teenagers, I’ve heard their stories and learned that they lacked the love I had in my home growing up. God knew from the beginning of time that love was needed for every child to grow into a fully functioning adult.
My sister Rachel has taken every single ounce of love my parents poured into her and has spent her life pouring it into every child she meets. She has a very special gift. She is amazing with children and loves them like nobody else I know. She is compassionate, she is a teacher, she is loving, she is kind, she is patient, she is leaving a legacy in every little life she meets along the way. She never skips a beat. She wakes up five mornings a week ready to pour into the lives of little kids, teaching them new songs, how to tie their shoes, go to the bathroom for the first time, kiss their boo boos, love them when they’re unlovable, and so many other things. Of course, she also continues to be a mother for the rest of her evening. She rises to the challenge loving Andrew and Hannah to the best a mother can do every single day.
Rachel shows me what it means to live out what Jesus asked when He said…
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)
Rachel is loving on the children who come into her home. She is teaching them things that will stay with them their entire lives. She listens to Christian songs with the kids and teaches them about Jesus. These children leave her home with peace in their hearts, joy in their souls, and a true sense of character in their lives.
It is always a blessing to see the joy in a child or work with a teenager. Who is in your life right now? How can you make a difference? Will you leave a legacy in someone today? Don’t hinder anyone from knowing who Jesus is, for the kingdom is theirs to know. What child or teenager in your life needs to know the love that you have known in your life? May you continue to pass on the love that God has shared with you!
Dear Father God, Thank You so much for giving me a wonderful sister! I’m so blessed for having Rachel in my life. I pray that You will continue to use her in tremendous ways in the ministry she does with young children. May she be strengthened and renewed daily by You. May she continue to see through Your eyes and not through human eyes! I pray for every child that she works with, may they have a firm foundation and come to know Your Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. May they all go on to do great things for You God! Thank You again for a great sister and dear friend!
One Child who’s been LOVED by Great Parents,
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