It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. (Matthew 11:28-30, MSG)
It’s been a tough two and a half months, that I’m slowly starting to feel some relief from. It became overwhelming to keep up with this and everything else while still trying to enjoy motherhood through my difficult season. It was easier for me to just put this to the back burner while I faced losing my brother-in-law to cancer, trying to help my siister and her family through this difficult time, experienced kidney stones and a kidney infection, a couple popped ribs, and helping a friend through a difficult season herself. All my free time went to one of these things and left me little time to sit down and write. Or at least when I had any extra free time, I was resting in the Lord.
I’m learning that’s okay! Yes, it’s okay to not be okay! I don’t want to be a stressed out wife or mom, so sometimes that means putting everything else on the back burner while I focus on the storm at hand. I had to shift my focus and press into Jesus! Have you ever had to do that?
I love the above verse that Jesus shares with us in Matthew. I chose the Message version because I love how Eugene Peterson brings this passage to life in a fresh way. If you want to learn more about him and the Message version, you can read it here. Let’s explore this verse together.
…Get away with me and you’ll recover your life…
It’s only when we get away with Jesus and spend time with Him that we can truly recover our lives and His purpose for us through even the most difficult storm.
…I’ll show you how to take a real rest…
There is no such thing as rest outside of Jesus! Especially during the storms of life. But in Jesus, in pressing in to who He is, all that He has for us, we find rest. Not just rest, REAL REST!
…Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…
His grace is not forced on us. It’s there for the taking but some times that means sitting still and waiting on Him. The rhythms of His grace are found as we rest in who He is and know that He will be the same yesterday, today and forever! Our God never changes and He never forsakes us!
…Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Oh, how this is my prayer. To live freely and lightly. To live with Jesus always in the forefront of my mind, seeking His purpose through all of life’s challenges. As we keep company with the Lord and seek Him, the weight we feel, the burdens we carry are lifted off our shoulders. We find a freedom in Christ as we dwell on Him and who He is.
Have you been walking through a tough season? Is it time to just press in to Jesus? There is nothing you have to carry! God carries it for you when you allow Him to. The burdens of this life are far to heavy for us, we need to lay them down at the feet of Jesus and trust in our unfailing God! May you find God’s promises to be a healing balm for your soul as you reflect on the character of God and all that He is for us.
On January 15th, I will be starting a new online study. You are welcome to join us as we learn what it means to keep a Victorious Mindset by clinging to God’s promises. You will need my Clinging to God’s Promises book for the study and you will need to become a part of the Facebook group I have set up for this study. Click here to join the online study group!
Dear Father God, I pray that this year we will respond to who You are and lay our burdens down more quickly. Please remind us daily to lay down anything that would try to hinder us from fully living for You! Please restore us, that we may walk fully in Your presence and live for Your purpose alone!
Living in the Unforced Rhythms of His Grace,
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