God's perspective Trust

Missing Puzzle Pieces ~ Pt. 2

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

I hope you were able to take a look at Joseph’s story.  Did you see how the puzzle pieces of his life didn’t exactly fit?  His life was an up and down roller coaster ride.  A ride that he didn’t sign up for.  Today, we will find the ride starts to ease a bit.  Everything begins to make sense in Joseph’s life.

In Genesis 41, we see that two years had passed since David had interpreted the dreams for the Cupbearer and Baker.  That would seem like a good length of time in prison, especially when your innocent.  How’s that puzzle looking now?  Well, we see that Pharaoh had a dream that troubled him.  In fact, he had two dreams.  These two dreams really disturbed him.  He sent for the wise men and magicians of Egypt to interpret them.  Unfortunately, no one in his company could interpret the dreams.  This was good news for Joseph, as the chief cupbearer remembered the day Joseph interpreted his dream.  He shared with Pharaoh how Joseph had correctly interpreted a dream for him, so Pharaoh sent for Joseph.

Joseph was able to hear the dreams and interpret them for Pharaoh.  God was showing Pharaoh that there would be seven years of abundance in the land of Egypt.  Then a famine would come and take over the land for seven years. Pharaoh then placed Joseph in charge over the land of Egypt.  Joseph would become responsible for the next 14 years.  Wow, Joseph had a big job ahead of him.  This was what God had prepared him for all along!  This was his moment to shine!

Joseph’s puzzle pieces were all coming together.  Joseph was able to store up food in the next seven years from the abundance that was produced in the land.  It is said that he stored up so much grain, that he stopped keeping records of it (Genesis 41:49).  God had come through on the abundance, but imagine if no one had been in charge of it.  Imagine if the people would have been free to waste it.  The next seven years would have been pretty grim.  In the seven years to follow, the famine hit hard.  In fact, all the countries came to Egypt to buy grain.  The famine had hit the world in a harsh way (Genesis 41:56-57).

We see something amazing in the next chapter of Joseph’s life.  Joseph’s brothers had run out of grain, so they came to Egypt.  Little did they know that their little brother was in charge now.  During the first journey, Joseph kept his identity a secret.  He was testing the hearts of his brothers.  It was after the second journey of his brothers and another test, that Joseph revealed his identity.  He couldn’t keep it a secret any longer.

The moment Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, they were terrified.  They thought for sure he would want revenge.  After all, they had sold him and sent him away.  But one of the most beautiful moments in the Bible takes place, as Joseph let’s his brothers know that God had a bigger plan for him.   Here are Joseph’s words…

“And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” (Genesis 45:5)

“So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God.” (Genesis 45:8)

Wow, there is so much power in this story!  Joseph could look back and see every puzzle piece and it’s meaning.  He knew that God had placed every puzzle piece exactly where it needed to be.  Sure being sold by his brothers didn’t make sense, it didn’t make sense to go to prison for a crime he didn’t commit, and it didn’t make sense to be forgotten for two years in prison.  Life doesn’t make sense at times!  Oh, but when we get to that end result… when we can see things from God’s perspective… that’s when life is beautiful! That’s when the puzzle comes together!

Please stop focusing on the missing pieces in your puzzle and start focusing on the journey.  Find yourself surrendered to the One who knows the details and has a greater perspective of the journey you’re on!  Get lost in God and the adventure He wants to take you on!  Forget the fact that you don’t know what tomorrow holds and hold tightly to the fact that you know Who holds tomorrow!

Challenge: Read Genesis 41-45

Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Dear Father God, Thank You for showing me that life isn’t about facts and figures!  It’s not about finding every missing puzzle piece!  Life is about living completely surrendered to You and Your plan for me.  I’m okay with that.  I don’t know what each puzzle piece looks like, how it’s shaped, or how it will fit.  That’s okay!  I know You know and I know You will make sense of all of it in time!

Walking by Faith and Not by Sight,

2 replies
  1. Lori C.
    Lori C. says:

    Thank you sooo much for this, Sarah. I am currently experiencing a season of life that does not make sense. My health is not great; I’m exhausted almost all the time. My [medical] Dr. asked me if I wanted to see a counselor b/c of my fatigue & stress. I accepted. Lately when I read scripture or devotions, they just seem demanding. Sometimes, it seems all I can do is take care of my family & try to take care of myself! I still love God & do my best, but I feel like I’m barely hanging on. It’s getting better since the teachers are back [from protesting]. My middle son with ADHD was home with me & my busy toddler terrorizing him (it seemed). Anyway, this is exactly what I needed. God bless you and your work, my sweet Sarah!!!

    • Sarah
      Sarah says:

      Hi Lori,

      I’m so glad to hear that this devotional was exactly what you needed. It always amazes me how God can speak directly into our lives! I’m so blessed to hear how God is using these devotionals for you. I pray that you will be refreshed and renewed daily through God’s strength. Remember this,

      “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” ~2 Corinthians 12:9

      God’s grace will always be enough for you. His power will be made perfect through your weakness. He has great plans for you!
      Love your girl,


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