Love Never Fails
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day to celebrate love! It’s not just about the love between man and woman. It’s the love that God has poured out in abundance on His people. It’s the love that we receive from each other. The love we receive from our parents, siblings, friends, mentors, etc. Today, we celebrate the love of more than just a spouse or special someone. Today, we have the opportunity to celebrate the greatest love of all. The love of God. The love that gives us the ability to love one another.
“We love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)
Let’s celebrate what True Love is!
Love is patient!
Love says, “I’ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes.” This kind of love waits for a son or daughter to come home to Christ. This kind of love waits on God’s timing. This kind of love does not have an agenda!
Love is kind!
Have you experienced kind and encouraging words from someone? If you have, you have experienced love!
Love does not envy!
Envy will steal your joy. It will steal every good thing that God has given you. Get re-focused and remember that God loves you. He wants to take care of you. He’s concerned with your walk and how you will live for Him. How are you going stay true to the journey God has called you on?
Love does not boast!
God has called us to love others and lift them up. He has not called us to lift ourselves up. Jesus Himself came to lift God up and make sure all glory was given to His Father.
So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.” ~John 8:28
Love is not proud!
Love does not go around saying, “I’m the best”, “Look at what I have done”, “Aren’t I amazing?”, etc. Love continues to point back to God and says, “Look at God, isn’t He amazing! It’s because He loves me that I can love others!”
Love is not rude!
Love is not rude and it does not push others out of the way. Love puts others first and let’s them know that they can succeed in God.
Love is not self-seeking!
Love does not seek to promote oneself. Love seeks to promote God’s purpose!
Love is not easily angered!
God does not want us to be easily angered! He wants us to control our feelings and love those who offend us! May your next response to painful words and actions be love. May someone experience God’s love through you!
Love keeps no record of wrongs!
Have you been keeping score on someone who has hurt you? It’s time to let go. God is not keeping score when it comes to your sin. Why would you keep score of the sins of anyone who has wronged you…when you have wronged God far worse?
“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”
~Psalm 103:11-12
Love does not delight in evil!
God calls us to live righteously and forsake anything that would lead us astray from Him.
Love rejoices with the truth!
Rejoice in the Truth found in God’s Word! Continue to seek God and know the love that is found in only Him!
Love protects!
Will you protect others with God’s love?
Love always trusts!
Will you trust God, knowing that His love is greater than all things?
Love always hopes!
Place your hope in the Lord and know that He will come through for you. His love will never fail you!
Love always perseveres!
God’s love will help you persevere through any trial you may face!
Love NEVER fails!
God’s love never fails.
This is what we celebrate on this Valentine’s Day! A love that never fails! A love that comes from God and has been given freely through His Son Jesus Christ. We have the opportunity to now respond to that love. How will we respond in love this week?
Challenge: Read 1 Corinthians 13
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Dear Father God, Your love is all of the things that are mentioned in 1 Corinthians. I can only pray that my love will be the same. Please help me to love people in a way that is kind, that is patient, that is true, that is unfailing, and all the things above. May I be Your love extended to all those I know and continue to meet!
Loving People to Jesus,
Love the post! Love never fails and it covers a multitude of sins. When me and my hubby got married our wedding theme was based on 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter.In our vows we said them and asked God to show us both how to love one another the way He says not the way we think.
I love the last few words you said, “love one another the way He says not the way we think.” Wow, that is so important and so tough at times. It is vital to remember that we need to constantly realign ourselves with God’s thinking and His way of loving. His way of loving is pure and right. I too want to love my husband in a way that mirrors all of these qualities. I have this verse hanging on my mirror, so I can see it every morning. It’s a great way to start the day.
Also, I want to remember that it’s so important to embrace these truths of love with those around me. God’s love needs to be displayed in my life daily. I pray that people will experience God’s love through my life.
We have to because I know within myself I l love my hubby but most of my love is out of selfishness and so I want to love him like Christ would have me to love him. It is hard because I see in areas where I am wrong in things and my flesh doesn’t always want to accept what God says. But I know at the end God will win and I will yield to His ways of loving my husband so it’s a process nothing over night that is for sure. Each day get’s better and better.
I completely agree with you. God convicts me almost daily on areas I can improve on when it comes to loving my husband. It’s a daily fight against the flesh. Yes, it is a process and I’m thankful for that. I’m glad that God doesn’t expect us to get it right over night. I think that would be overwhelming. I’m so glad God takes His time with us. I can handle that! I love knowing that each day will get better and better. I love knowing that we are on a journey with God, phasing in daily to His best for us. He continues to draw us closer to Him and in the process we become better for those around us. Including our husbands! God is so good!