Grace God Truth Jesus

Keys to Growth

Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position.  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and forever!  Amen. (2 Peter 3:17-18)

We are called to be on our guard at all times.  God gives us the key to success to stay out of trouble in this world.  He let’s us know that we must grow in His grace and knowledge of His Son.  These are the two things we must cling to, so we can stay out of the chaos the world tends to offer us every moment of the day.

Here are the Keys to Growth in Grace & Knowledge:

(Let’s make it simple!)

1.  What Christian growth is not?

  • It’s not becoming more saved than the day you gave your life to Jesus Christ (your conversion date).
  • It’s not becoming more pardoned than the day you asked Jesus into your heart.
  • It’s not becoming more justified that the day you were saved.

2.  What Christian growth is?

  • It is daily learning more of what God wants through His Word.
  • It is becoming more able to do what God wants.
  • It is living in more of the love of God.

3.  Examples of physical growth.

  • Seeds in a garden grow to become fruits and vegetables of many kinds.
  • An acorn grows into a tall Oak Tree.
  • A caterpillar spins a cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly.

“I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.  God does it so that men will revere him.”  (Ecclesiastes 3:14)

4.  Examples of growth in men whose growth resulted in change.  Biblical examples.

  • Peter:  He went from running away to running the marathon for Jesus Christ.  He was the rock that the church was built on just as Jesus said he would be.
  • Paul:  He went from persecuting Christians to being one of the greatest leaders in Christian history.  From the Damascus Road to the Roman Road.
  • John:  He went from being a man who spoke quickly with words of thunder to writing some of the greatest love letters in the Word of God.  From the Son of Thunder to the disciple of love.

What will it take for you to grow in God’s grace and knowledge?

Do you need to change your views on what your Christian walk is and what it is not?  God is looking for your heart.  He wants you to grow in your love, grace, and knowledge of who He is.  Begin in the Word of God and continue by enjoying a long lasting relationship with the only One who will never let you down.

You are like the seed in the garden that needs to grow, the acorn that is growing into a strong Oak tree, and the caterpillar finding it’s way into becoming a beautiful butterfly.

You and I may never live out the same things that Peter, Paul, and John did, but we certainly can learn from their examples.  We can grow like they did and love the Lord with all our heart.  We can become all that God desires us to be and change for the better.  We all have room for growth in Jesus Christ our Lord!  Where do you need to grow?  Are you willing to take those steps to growth in God’s grace and knowledge?  As always, it’s your choice!  One clue:  You’ll miss out, if your choice is no!

Dear Father God, Thank You for taking the time to help each one of us grow in ways that we cannot conceive of.  I pray that You will continue to help me be more like You and that I will reflect more of Your Word every day.  May I continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of You on a daily basis!

Delightfully Growing in God,

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