Awe Prayer God Devotional

Is it time to press the Reset Button?

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Do you ever wish you could go back in your life and take back a moment?  Maybe you wish you could press the “Reset” button and just start over.  Have you ever wished you could just click your heels together like Dorothy did in the Wizard of Oz and just wake up out of your dream?  Do you look back on life and see places where you could have, should have, or would have done better?  Unfortunately, the answer to these questions is all too often yes.  Many people want to take back a moment.  Many want to press the “Reset” button.  Some just want to click there heels and wake up out of a dream.  Then there are others who live on the coulda, shoulda, woulda philosophy!

There is good and bad news for you!  I’ll give you the bad news first.  Yesterday is gone!  There is nothing you can do about it.  You can’t take back what happened and you can’t change it.  However, the good news is, today is a new day.  And just like the passage above says, “…new every morning…”, so also we should not be living on yesterday’s mistakes.  God has something new for today.  Take what came from yesterday and learn from it, let it mold your character and shape who you will become for tomorrow.

Here is a sure founded recipe, straight from the Word of God to help get life back on track!

Righteous RESET Button

*2 tons of the Lord’s GREAT LOVE!

*1 press of the Reject button on things that want to consume you!

*3 heaping Tablespoons of God’s COMPASSION that never fails!

*365 opportunities to start over with each new morning that the Lord gives you!

*7 gallons of God’s FAITHFULNESS, one for each day of the week!

This recipe needs to be practiced daily.  The Lord’s great love is yours.  You do not have to be consumed by thoughts of what you could have done better in the years that have passed.  The Lord loves you today and He wants to see how you will use this day to glorify Him.  How will you make a difference today?  You don’t have to be the next big rocket scientist, the next Billy Graham, or even the next big Christian music artist.  God is calling you to be YOU!  The best you that YOU can be!  What does that mean for you?  How will you determine to put your best foot forward starting today?  Do you have a dream in your heart, a desire to do something for God, or maybe something lingering from your days that have passed?  It’s not too late to get started!  God has given you today!  Press the “Reset” button.  Use the recipe to start fresh in the Lord and know that He will lead you forward in the dreams He has for your life!

A huge thing to remember is never be afraid to press the Reject button!  There are so many people in life who want to come in and speak lies into your life.  People who want to be negative or cause you pain.  Or times when thoughts of condemnation, guilt, and fear try to overcome your mind.  When that happens it’s time to press the “Reject” button.  Just as easily as you can press the “Reset” button to start over, so also you can press the “Reject” button for those things you do not have to accept about yourself.  The next time someone tells you that “You’re not good enough, You don’t have what it takes, You can’t possibly make it, You’re not a good enough Christian, You should have done things better, etc.”  Press the “Reject” button.  Don’t even allow your mind to accept the falsehood of these sayings.  You are a child of God!  Take ownership of that!  Rise up!  Listen to the Truth, accept the Truth and reject the lies!  Reject the guilt and condemnation.

“Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” ~Romans 8:1

God’s compassion comes in three forms for you.  He is a Father to you.  His arms are open wide to love you unconditionally.  He sent His Son for you to die and take the place of your sins.  So that you could reconnect with Him in a relationship.  Also, when Jesus left this earth He said He would send a comforter.  The comforter is in the form of the Holy Spirit.  Here are Jesus words written by John,

“All this I have spoken while still with you.  But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” ~John 14:25-26

God has got it all covered.  He has covered you with His compassion and it will not fail you.  Because God does not know how to fail you.  Try to find a day that He has and God will show you when HE came through for you!

You do have 365 days to reset yourself.  I pray for you that it doesn’t take that many days to reprogram yourself, but remember God will be there.  He will be there every morning that you wake up and He will be ready to start fresh.  He will give you a clean slate and He will want you to make the best of your new day.  His mercies will be new for you when you begin your day, so choose to use them wisely.

I chose 7 gallons of God’s faithfulness for the recipe, but honestly there is no number to His faithfulness.  Seven is the perfect number and God is perfect.  So remember this and know that His faithfulness has a perfect record.  He will not break that perfect record.

Are you ready to press the “Reset” Button?  Keep the recipe handy and don’t forget how faithful God is and always will be!

Dear Father God, I pray that I will live every day to the most that it can be in You.  I’m so thankful that Your mercies are new every day and I always want to live in those new mercies.  May I continue to live a life that is righteous before You and press the “Reset” button when need be!

Pressing the Righteous Reset Button,


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