I See You
The issue of human trafficking has never been heavier on my heart than now. The last time that I remember it being to this heavy was August of 2018. I woke with a weightiness in my spirit and I was prompted to write. I believe this is the right time to share it with you.
He sees the victims and their families. He has an answer and His answer is you! My question is this; will you answer when he calls? Will you go and do what He asks you to do? Will you support those who are already in the fight? Will you RISE UP?
These are the words the Lord gave me to write.
I see you
I see you deep below the hulls, I see you
I see you in the rooms, I see you
I see you in the darkness, I see you
I see you taken; I see you
I see you trembling and crying, I see you
I see you broken and abused; I see you
I see you bought and sold; I see you
I see you hurt and used; I see you
I see you captive, held against your will, I see you
I see you battered and bruised, I see you
I see your terror and your pain, I see you
Why don’t you help me, you ask?
Why don’t you hear me, you ask?
Why don’t you find me, you ask?
Why don’t you send someone, you ask?
I am
I do hear you
I will help you
I have found you
I will help you
I will send someone
If they will listen when I call
If they will follow what I ask them to do
If they will not delay
I hear the cries of your parents and those that love you
Desperate to find you
Desperate to hold you again
Hopeless and helpless, crying out to me
Where are you God, they ask
I am here, I am here
I am limited in what I can do
I cannot override man’s free will
I cannot make anyone do anything
The wicked one is at work
The wicked one has been hard after your children, this generation
He is after innocence and purity
His mission is to defile
His mission is to kill, steal and destroy
He is not alone
He has an army
He works in the heart of men and uses them to carry out his will
He is after the heart
Those taken and those waiting for them
I know it doesn’t make sense, but you have to trust me, no matter what
You have a choice
A choice to pray, believe and trust
A choice to forgive and let go
A choice to give it to me and let me help you
I will give you
peace, in the midst of the worst things imaginable
I can’t make you do this, it’s a choice
I am at work if you will only believe and allow me to be
I can only work through the hearts of men, just as the wicked one desires to do
I too have a mission
To save the lost, heal the brokenhearted and restore all that was damaged and taken
To restore innocence and purity and to cleanse that which was defiled
My mission is to give life and life more abundantly
To wipe away the tears and bring joy where there was once great sadness
I am not alone
I too have an army, growing day by day
I am equipping them and training them to take on the wicked one and win
Do not lose hope, even if the outcome is not what you want
Either way, I am with you
Whether here or in heaven
I know this is not the answer you want.
I know you want me to take all this from you, but I am limited in what I can do
I gave Everyone the right to choose, even you
Today you have the choice
To forgive those who have hurt you, mistreated you
Right where you are, you have to choose which way you will go
The way of the wicked one or will you choose my way
My way is not easy, however, you are not alone
I am with you and I will help you
Whether you are in the bottom of the boat held captive at this moment or waiting in the room for someone to come in
Or whether you are sitting in your home in your room crying out to me, praying for your loved one
I am with you, I hear you, I see you
Trust me
I am raising up an army
I am calling for more warriors to come alongside those already in place
Fearless and bold, going into places unknown
Following my voice to lead them to your cries
I am working, more than what you can see or understand
It will take time; some will be lost to this world but not lost with me
Paul said to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord
There is more than what you see in this world
There is an eternity, where will you spend it
You get to choose
Today, I call out to those who are with me
I call out to my army, RISE UP
Take your positions, ready yourselves
I am ready to pour out upon you
In every position, whether behind the desk or on the front lines
Ready yourselves for a supernatural equipping
The war has already been won
But the battle is just beginning
I see you
I hear you
And I will find you
I am at work
Trust me, no matter what it looks like
I am coming
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