Hope in Uncertainty
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] ~John 16:33 (AMPC)
This is an unprecedented time for sure. A time of uncertainty in many ways. A time that tests us. A time that reminds us to be grateful for what we have and to cherish our loved ones.
This time will not soon be forgotten. It will be etched in our minds forever. A time we were forced to slow down. A time we had to simplify. A time of rationing TP. A time of embracing the moments and watching our children just a little more carefully.
A time unlike any before and unlike any again.
A time where staying put was applauded, putting aside agendas encouraged, and calendars cleared for the sake of the community.
It’s a time that has caused me to do much reflecting. I feel steady in a very unsteady situation. I feel peace in the turmoil around me. I feel an inner strength rising up in me that I didn’t know even existed. I’ve been wondering why do I feel so at peace and not shaken by this. Don’t get me wrong, I had a few days of stress and anxiety.
But somewhere in there I stopped to just focus on my Savior, stopped to hear the whisper from God. That’s when I found myself remembering the many times of uncertainty in my past. Each one defining me and equipping me to be who God has called me to be in this moment.Times I didn’t know what the outcome would be or when I’d arrive at that outcome.
Times that scared me and left me waiting for answers.
I think back to when I was a little girl in the hospital with a rash that no one could figure out. It grew and grew. There were no answers. I laid in that hospital bed for two weeks. My diet consisted of popsicles as the sores in my mouth prevented me from enjoying any other foods. I laid there wondering when they would have the answer and when I would be able to see my siblings again. My siblings couldn’t come in because I could be contagious. Treated like I had the plague. Answers not easily found. A lot for a little girl to take in.
Uncertainty was great at that time.
Funny thing is we now call that same disease, “hand, foot, and mouth disease”. Thirty plus years ago there were no cases to compare it to.
I was one of a kind. An anomaly.
A word I’ve come to appreciate in the start of my 40s.
You see in that hospital bed waiting for answers and not knowing what tomorrow would hold. I had to reach out to the only constant I’ve ever known. I had to trust God. He didn’t step off the throne during this experience. He was there in the midst of it all. He was there to keep me steady. He was my refuge. My strength. My rock. The One I could count on.
He’s there for you too in the midst of all of this. He is your hope in uncertainty.
I know things feel crazy. I know there is a great level of uncertainty right now. Answers are hard to find and solutions are minimal.
This is the time to lean in. The time to wait. The time to simply listen.
If you have been far from God, I encourage you to turn back now. His arms are open wide and He is ready to receive you. His plan and purpose for your life are great. Start today by running back to Him. Click here to get a tool that will help you embrace His amazing love for you!
If you have never known God or trusted His Son Jesus as your personal Savior, now is the time. Today truly can be the day of your salvation. I can’t promise that the storm will end but through it, you will have a peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Because Gods Spirit will come to reside in you. His Holy Spirit will be your comforter. You will enter the best adventure of your life. The King of Kings will steady you and guide you. True freedom starts with one step. One step toward a Savior who died for you. A Savior who lived a perfect life so you wouldn’t have to. A Savior who gave it all for you.
Will you embrace the journey of freedom today?
So if the son sets you free you will be free indeed. ~John 8:36
Free in Jesus. That’s the way to thrive through Corona Virus. To become all that you were destined to be. A child of the one, true, living God who designed you on purpose for His purpose.
Turn all the distractions off. Focus on Jesus. Pray for the prodigals to come home. For broken marriages to be healed. For families to be united like never before. For those who have been merely existing to come alive. For a great awakening to take place!
Celebrate what you have been given. Treasure the moments. Cherish your family like never before. Just breathe. Enjoy today!
The truth is that nothing bad lasts forever. There is hope in uncertainty.
One day this will all be a distant memory but the character muscles developed through this experience will be here to stay. So stretch. Get ready for a marathon. The race has just begun. You’re in it. No turning back. Strengthen those spiritual muscles and run with your eyes fixed on the prize. It will be worth it!
I’ll be sharing more from the moments of uncertainty in my life in weeks to come. Stay tuned!
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. ~1 Corinthians 9:24
Dear Father God, we cry out to You for mercy on our land. May You use this tumultuous season to draw all men, women, and children to Yourself. May we be Your people. A strong force, a beautiful reminder of the Savior, a peaceful presence, and a hope unwavering. Help us to be steadfast in this very unsteady season! Give us the strength to run well and pursue You through this! Please comfort those who suffer a great loss through this and be what only You can be for all of us through this. A constant refuge in the storm.
Ps. Please share a comment on how God is bringing hope to you in this uncertain time. We would love to hear from you!
In God’s Grip of Grace,
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