Hello…. with humble intentions
Writing has always been a gift for me. It is a place for me to organize my thoughts and, many times, my heart. I can remember from a young age feeling powerful and pure on the inside when I could write down my thoughts and feelings in the freedom of pen and page. There is a privacy when I write that is soothing and comforting. A piece of paper in lines will not judge me. A pen will not yield it’s own will to my hand, but my will to it. When I was younger I kept a diary. As I grew into teenage years and beyond, it became my “journal”. And now as an adult, I keep a prayer journal to meditate and talk with God. I’ve also found writing helpful in relationships. In the moment of hardship or heartache, words come in anger, maybe hurt, sometimes joy, and my brain can’t always compute the right thing at the right time…. and so I write. I can take time to put what I need to say in the way I need to say it and pray. I’ve written letters to friends, boyfriends, my parents at times. I wrote when I married my husband and I wrote when I had my babies. I also wrote when I miscarried and even wrote a poem which I hope to share with you here at some point.
Now having said that……. when I was asked to be a part of this blog and WRITE- I froze. I’ve been frozen for weeks worrying over my ability. I’ve been paralyzed with doubt and fear over how my “writing” would be judged or critiqued. I’ve reached out for prayer from loved ones and sisters in Christ yearning to want to do this well and with grace. I have always dreamt of encouraging people through words (as a silent prayer) and it so it seems God has put this opportunity in front of me, just more public than what I had in mind.
As I’ve prayed and meditated on what God would have me say…. I stumbled upon an author whose words captured exactly what my heart sings! Her name was Helen Steiner Rice. She was a poet and believer. She is quoted in saying, “Since all our gifts are God-given and they do not belong to us, they only have worth when we share them with others. God gave me this gift and I am happy to return it to others.” AMEN Helen! I realized my only purpose here is to share my heart and my testimony with the humblest of intentions. I am humbled to be here writing to you and praying God will make a way of connection to those who need or want to hear more of HIM. She goes on to say, “The majority of responsive hearts who read my things pass them along to other responsive hearts, and soon the chain of love reaches around the world.” (H.S.Rice) I hope a chain of God’s love begins, continues, and grows here. I pray God’s leading of each humble word touches and encourages someone who reads it and His will for us be glorified. This is the only way I know to introduce myself and make it known how I came to be here. God has lead us to this place together and I pray for His mighty power to shine through. I am a humble servant of Jesus, with humble intentions, trying to encourage and uplift the humbles of the world. I leave you with this poem and pray you’ll reach out and share the good and the bad of you when the Holy Spirit moves you.
The Musings of a Thankful Heart
“People everywhere in life from every walk and every station,
From every town and city and every state and nation,
Have given me so many things intangible and dear,
I couldn’t begin to count them all or even make them clear.
I only know I owe so much to people everywhere, And when I put
my thoughts in verse it’s just my way to share-The musings of a thankful heart,
a heart much like your own, For nothing that I think or write is mine and mine alone….
So if you found some beauty in any word or line, It’s just your soul’s reflection
in proximity with mine.” (Helen Steiner Rice)
Father God, I pray for continued guidance and leading. I only wish to be useful for your glory. I pray for those walking in their own doubts, fears, or short-comings. You know what each person’s struggles are God and you are powerful and mighty to meet each one right where they are at. You also know God each persons gifts and talents because you designed them that way. You custom-fit each of us with special skills and amazing abilities that can only be met when we surrender to you and allow you to use them. Amen.
Wow…..So very proud of you Jera! Told you this was you’re time! Love you Dad!!!!