Great is Thy Faithfulness
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; GREAT is YOUR FAITHFULNESS. (Lamentations 3:22-23, NKJV)
If you were to take a tour of my home, there would be one thing you would notice on almost every wall. The Word of God is pretty prevalent in our home. There are many good reasons for this! I love words! And I truly believe that the power of these words continue to transform my life. It is so refreshing to walk around our home and be reminded of God’s Word often.
This above vinyl wording is on a wall in our bedroom. It’s right above the door to our master bathroom. The great thing about these words is that every morning I get to wake up to them. I wake up to this reminder, this promise from God. I wake up remembering that God is Faithful and He always will be. I celebrate this daily!
The theme of this blog was not chosen by accident. You see, I have experienced God’s faithfulness over and over again. He has been extremely faithful to heal me, to provide an amazing husband, to give me a loving family, to supply my needs, to answer my prayers, to fulfill my dreams, and so much more! God’s faithfulness is so real in my life! I pray that in this new year, you will experience the faithfulness of God in your life. May you see the hand of God protect you, heal you, provide for you, and cherish you. May you experience all that our loving God has to offer!
Read more of Lamentations 3
Dear Father God, I cannot thank You enough for Your faithfulness. I have seen You come through time and time again. You have never failed me and I praise You for this! May I continue to celebrate Your faithfulness through 2012.
Living in God’s Faithfulness,
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