God’s Design
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13)
Gianna Jessen has a powerful testimony of how God reached in and saved her life. She is not afraid to share the Gospel of Jesus in a very direct way. In one statement she says, “I didn’t survive to make people feel comfortable…” I think sometimes as Christians we become a little too comfortable. This is a story of a champion. A woman who survived the odds stacked against her. Please take time to view her testimony and allow God to embrace your heart through it!
“For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.”
~Psalm 139:11-16 (NIV)
Tonight, my heart goes out to those who have been affected by abortion or are thinking about it.
1. To those who have had an abortion ~ Please let me remind you that when you accepted Jesus into your heart, your sins were forgiven as far as the east is from the west. Here is what the Word of God says for you,
“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”
~Psalm 103:11-12 (NIV)
Please do not walk in condemnation for something that God has forgiven you for. This video is a simple reminder that God can bring glory to Himself through even the darkest circumstance. He knew your child inside your womb. He has never taken His eyes off of your little one. May God bring joy to the emptiness inside your heart, as He reminds you that your child has never been out of His sight. And you, His precious daughter or son are loved now and always! Here are some links that can help you through your grieving process.
2. For those of you thinking about abortion ~ Please find someone who has been where you are at. Find someone who can share their story with you. The pain and agony of an empty womb are much greater than the 9 months ahead of you. There is a heartbeat inside of you. Your baby has been formed by the very hand of God. The same two hands that took the time to count the number of hairs on your head, are taking the time to count the number of hairs on your son or daughter’s head. Do you know the fetal growth of your baby?
At conception ~ Your baby is a boy or girl. God has already determined what you will have before you have even thought about the word abortion.
5th Week ~ The neural tube forms. This is the foundation for thought, feeling, and senses. The nervous system is already developing in your little one.
6th Week ~ Lenses of the eyes appear, the nose is in position, the brain is growing well, the legs and arms are being formed.
7th Week ~ Elbows form, fingers start to develop, feet start to appear, ears, eyes, and even teeth under the gumline start to develop.
8th Week ~ Cartilage and bones begin to form, the tongue begins to develop, and basic structure of eye is well underway.
12th Week ~ Vocal cords are forming, the liver begins to function, and the pancreas starts to develop insulin.
Are you getting the picture? If you would like more facts about week to week development, you can find them here Fetal Development ~ Week by Week . I understand that you yourself might be hurting in some major ways. Please know that there are people out there who can help you. Please learn the lasting effects of abortion before you ever walk in to an abortion clinic. Take time to hear the stories of women who have been where you are at and allow people to help you through this difficult time. Here are some great resources for you…
Stand Up Girl ~ There are many great resources at this site!
Dear Father God,
I pray for those who are hurting tonight from the act of an abortion. I can’t imagine the extent of their pain, but I do know You are fully capable of loving them through it. Please encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ. Please help those who have yet to know of Your unfailing love. And for those who are struggling with unplanned pregnancies, my prayer is that they will stumble across this message or another message about the power of life inside of them. God, You are the Author of life and with You no pregnancy is a surprise. May we simply come to understand how wonderful the work is that You do inside the womb. Each finger, toe, lung, the blood that flows, the nose, eyes, and ears. They are all formed by You! Thank you for those who chose life! And thank You for the beautiful work You have done in Gianna’s life. She is a perfect example that You can bring good out of even the darkest moment in life! Death is no contest for You! I stand in amazement of Your work!
Thank you Mom and Dad for choosing Life,
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