Uncompromising Heart

The mind of the prudent [always] acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise [always] seeks knowledge. (Proverbs 18:15, AMP)

Read Proverbs 7 today!

We are exploring four of the many characteristics there are of a man or woman of wisdom this week.  Today, we will look at a fourth quality produced by a man or woman of wisdom.

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Nothing Hinders

Read Proverbs 4 today!

Does it ever seem like there is a lack of awe for God in today’s world?  Well, I know that I tend to see it around me and in myself.  If I truly grasp who God is and what He has done for me…  would I not approach Him first by bowing in reverence to His greatness?  Wouldn’t I find a way to make God greater in my life and not put such an emphasis on me?  Let’s take a look at some places where God was revered in the Bible.  What can we do to get back to a place of awe with the Lord?

1.  A man or woman of wisdom let’s nothing hinder their relationship with the Lord!

Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3)

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Holy Reverence

Read Proverbs 1 today!

I have been studying Proverbs and looking forward to the devotionals that will come out this month.  Honestly, as I study the Proverbs I start to think this is a pretty big task.  It’s almost impossible to do an in-depth study of the entire book in just a month.  The Proverbs are filled with nuggets of truth to apply to our lives.  In fact, there are 500 Proverbs.  That’s a lot to study in a month, so I’ve decided I will share with you the main themes in Proverbs.  I will pull out the things that will help us gain understanding and grow in wisdom before the Lord.

Do you know that the word proverb means “to be like”?  The Proverbs are filled with wisdom on how to be like Christ.  How can we have a godly character that stands the test of time?  Each Proverb dives in a bit deeper on this subject.

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Wisdom Tidbits

Here is just a small taste of what we are going to find in the Proverbs…

1.  A Further Trust in God’s Work

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

~Proverbs 3:5-6

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Seeking Wisdom

The beginning of wisdom is: Get [skillful and godly] wisdom [it is preeminent]! And with all your acquiring, get understanding [actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation]. (Proverbs 4:7, AMP)

The last couple of days we (in Florida), have experienced the wrath of tropical storm Debby.  It has rained and rained and rained, often with no end in sight.  This has made me think, how nice it would be if wisdom could come to me through the rain.  I would love to go outside and drench myself in the wisdom of God.  I would love it, if it just poured down and took little effort on my part to obtain…  But as I study the Scriptures I see that wisdom is sought, it’s something I have to ask for, something I have to go and get!  Here are the Proverbs that lead me to that conclusion!

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